We create opportunities through music education

The Primary and Secondary Music Program is based on scientific evidence of the cognitive, emotional, and social improvement that comes with studying music at an early age.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, the Ferrer-Salat Music Foundation started this program in schools located in environments of high vulnerability and at risk of social exclusion, to promote music education among primary and secondary students, with teachers from the Liceu Conservatory Foundation and a bank of more than 200 instruments.

We bolster the music education included in the curriculum since we are aware of the benefits for children’s neurodevelopment that come with learning to play an instrument. In a program that is growing step by step, we are currently making it possible for students from six state-funded schools in Barcelona —Escola Bon Pastor, Col·legi Santíssima Trinitat, Escola Esperança, Escola Pia Sant Antoni, La Salle Comtal and Escolàpies Sabadell— to receive two extra hours of music lessons per week in the case of primary students and an extracurricular hour in ESO.

4,000 students have already taken part in this program, which is based on scientific studies in the field of neuroscience that show that learning music promotes cognitive development. But we are also fully convinced that giving young people this opportunity brings collateral benefits both emotionally, because it increases their confidence and self-esteem, and in terms of social inclusion.

The Ferrer-Salat Music Foundation, in collaboration with the Liceu Conservatory Foundation, is gradually rolling out this program to foster music education and support the teaching staff of state-funded schools.

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Teachers and methodology of the Liceu Conservatory

With the Primary and Secondary Music program we contribute to creating greater equity from the ground up, so that the starting point is fairer for everyone, in line with the Foundation’s ethical commitment to promote social justice, in this case, based on quality music education in disadvantaged environments.

This support with different kinds of material resources allows students to learn from a very young age and at no additional cost, thanks to the methodology and excellence of a prestigious and rigorous institution such as the Liceu Conservatory. To make this possible, we assign two teachers from the Conservatory to bolster music education in these centres and, if necessary, to train the school’s teachers.

In addition to dedicating more hours to music education with expert teachers, the Foundation provides all the students at these schools with string, wind, and percussion instruments. The fact that each student has his or her own instrument throughout the school period encourages their motivation and generates a positive link with music that, in many cases, is pursued in the future.

We promote equity by stimulating the abilities of all students

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The Ferrer-Salat Music Foundation also awards scholarships so that students who stand out, both for their emerging talent and for their interest and willingness, can keep on learning at the Liceu Urquinaona Music School. In addition, those who in the future wish to pursue higher music studies will be eligible for the 20 scholarships that the Foundation awards each year to ensure that more young talents can study the four-year degree without any socio-economic restraints.



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