New call for 30 JONDE and Ferrer-Salat scholarships to continue supporting and promoting artistic excellence

The 20-day period to submit applications for the II Edition of the JONDE and Ferrer-Salat scholarship opens next Thursday, on May 2nd. For the second consecutive year, and thanks to the collaboration agreement between the Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (INAEM) and the Ferrer-Salat Music Foundation, we will award 30 scholarships for ongoing or future projects carried out by JONDE musicians.

The 2024 JONDE and Ferrer-Salat scholarships (II Edition) will be awarded with an economic endowment of €8,000 gross each, with the aim of supporting the artistic development of 30 young talents who are members of the JONDE’s Instrumentalists Pool. Unlike other music scholarships, the amount may be allocated to an ongoing or future project. Therefore, applicants must present a project or training proposal, explaining how this grant would contribute to making their idea or aspiration come true.      

The Selection Committee appointed by the JONDE and chaired by Jesús Rueda, the artistic director of the Ferrer-Salat Music Foundation, will announce its verdict at the end of June. The list with the recipients of the 2024 JONDE and Ferrer-Salat scholarships (II Edition) will then be published on the JONDE and the Foundation’s websites.

This new initiative of the Ferrer-Salat Music Foundation is based on our firm belief that music is a key aspect in the comprehensive education of young people and, at the same time, a cornerstone of social progress. More specifically, the scholarship program that we launched last year follows the Foundation’s philosophy of joining forces with other established organizations that ensure the utmost rigor, to support and promote the artistic excellence of extraordinarily talented young musicians during their formative years.  

The Joven Orquesta Nacional de España was created in 1983 as a production unit of the INAEM, an autonomous organism linked to the Ministry of Culture, with the goal of training Spanish musicians at the highest level, prior to them exercising their profession, through the study and performance of the universal symphonic and chamber repertoire.

The Ferrer-Salat Music Foundation would like to encourage and welcome new applications for the 2024 JONDE and Ferrer-Salat scholarships (II Edition), so that we can continue to achieve our goal of creating opportunities through music.

Rules of the 2024 JONDE and Ferrer-Salat scholarships (II Edition) >

Application period: from May 2nd to May 22nd, 2024, at 23:59 (local time in mainland Spain)

Application form >

For any doubts or queries, please contact:

Academic Department – Joven Orquesta Nacional de España

Ferrer-Salat Music Foundation

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